Surfin' on a Rocket.



scottiethehottiesh: asl?

obi_char: Hey there. I understand you're into self-pleasure?

scottiethehottiesh: well yes i am

obi_char: Oh, good, I've been trying to find people like you.

obi_char: See, I have this condition.

obi_char: I'm a chronic masturbator. Is that bad?

scottiethehottiesh: oh no thats not bad at all

scottiethehottiesh: actually its great

obi_char: Are you sure? Because some people think I'm weird.

scottiethehottiesh: naww

scottiethehottiesh: its fine

obi_char: Really? Oh good, I feel better about it now.

obi_char: Because, like, sometimes I do it in public, and it weirds people out.

scottiethehottiesh: lol

scottiethehottiesh: asl?

obi_char: And like, sometimes I just can't control myself, so I'll do it while I'm sitting in the car.

obi_char: Or like if I'm in an elevator with a lot of people.

obi_char: I just can't help myself.

scottiethehottiesh: are you a girl?

obi_char: Oh yeah baby.

obi_char: I'm all girl.

scottiethehottiesh: ok good

obi_char: Ever since the surgery.

scottiethehottiesh: do you have a cam?

obi_char: But anyway, do you masturbate a lot?

obi_char: Like me?

scottiethehottiesh: well i haven't seen you but you sound pretty awesome

obi_char: Aw, thank you! I'm a really good cook, too.

scottiethehottiesh: lol

obi_char: But I tend to cook naked, in case I have to wank right then and there.

scottiethehottiesh: thats always a good thing

obi_char: And that gets annoying sometimes, especially when i'm frying bacon.

scottiethehottiesh: lol

scottiethehottiesh: how old are you?

obi_char: 19. You?

scottiethehottiesh: ?

obi_char: Cool.

obi_char: I'm pretty horny right now.

scottiethehottiesh: huh?

obi_char: I'm licking this popsicle right now.

obi_char: And it's dripping down...

obi_char: Over my shirt.

obi_char: Crap, I hope bleach will get this out.

scottiethehottiesh: what is?

obi_char: Anyway, it's dripping down.

obi_char: To *that* spot.

obi_char: It feels so good and sticky.

scottiethehottiesh: your making me very hot

scottiethehottiesh: do you have a cam?

obi_char: You want a popsicle too?

obi_char: They're good about cooling things off.

obi_char: So what are you doing right now?

obi_char: I'll bet you're really sexy.

scottiethehottiesh: DO YOU HAVE A CAM?

2:18 p.m. - 2002-08-02


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