Surfin' on a Rocket.


Seeking new talent.

lizzy54177: im an aspiring artist record me

fellatious_d: Haha. Actually, I'm not responsible for the record itself. I just get names of potential stars to my boss, who is a record contract executive in Nashville.

fellatious_d: Are you interested?

lizzy54177: sure

lizzy54177: i sound like a man though]

fellatious_d: No, husky voices are very attractive in country.

lizzy54177: i know

lizzy54177: i do love to sing though

fellatious_d: As long as you got the twang, you got the thang, honey.

fellatious_d: Good, I'm glad to hear it.

lizzy54177: i won a karoke contest once

fellatious_d: Have you performed on stage much?

fellatious_d: Did you? Excellent.

lizzy54177: i performed alot

fellatious_d: Who is your favorite country star?

lizzy54177: too many to choose

fellatious_d: Well, is there one you'd like to sound like?

lizzy54177: i dont knw

lizzy54177: i just got booted or something

fellatious_d: Oh, I'm sorry.

fellatious_d: I think a lot of people are getting booted.

lizzy54177: i still have you though

fellatious_d: How would you describe your style?

lizzy54177: i got some voice conference thing from a boot bot

lizzy54177: kinda raspy

fellatious_d: Great. We're not doing auditions today, we're just getting names and seeing who's out there.

lizzy54177: i cant hit high notes for shit thogh

lizzy54177: cool

lizzy54177: i always wanted to sing

lizzy54177: i can carry a tune thought

fellatious_d: Well, let me ask you a few questions.

lizzy54177: k

lizzy54177: go ahead

fellatious_d: What state are you from?

lizzy54177: wisconsin

fellatious_d: And how old are you?

lizzy54177: 31

fellatious_d: And are you married to your cousin?

lizzy54177: nope

fellatious_d: Haha, sorry, little country humor there.

lizzy54177: i know

fellatious_d: And what style of country are you most interested in performing?

fellatious_d: Country gospel? Country rock?

lizzy54177: newer

lizzy54177: rock yeah

fellatious_d: Good, good.

lizzy54177: i do like the old but do better rock

fellatious_d: Understandable.

fellatious_d: One final question.

lizzy54177: k

fellatious_d: Do you think Elvis is alive or dead?

lizzy54177: dead and alive in his music

lizzy54177: i like elvis

fellatious_d: Elvis is phat, yo.

fellatious_d: Oh, sorry, wrong genre!

fellatious_d: Anyway.

lizzy54177: your pullin my leg right

fellatious_d: Mind if I forward your email to my record executive?

lizzy54177: yes

fellatious_d: No ma'am, country music is serious business.

lizzy54177: (bleep bleep)*

lizzy54177: (bleep bleep)* is my name

fellatious_d: Alright. Thank you very much, Liz.

fellatious_d: You'll be hearing from us hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

lizzy54177: r u for real or just messing aroung

fellatious_d: Like I said, Liz, we take country music very seriously here.

lizzy54177: k

lizzy54177: ty

fellatious_d: You're welcome. You have a yee-haw day!

lizzy54177: you too

*Name and email address bleeped so I don't end up getting my ass in trouble one of these days.

1:21 p.m. - 2003-04-04


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